Thursday, October 21, 2004


I was told today that I am the world's biggest negative thinker. So I am now going to try to take things positively. There must be something positive in the facts that I have not been given a raise in three and a half years, and I don't like my present assignment, and I have been called to almost half a dozen interviews but not given the job. It's all for the best and my negative thinking made it go wrong. Now that I am thinking positive, it must change... or maybe this is all too good, my positive thinking has not realised it yet. Go positive!

P.S. Just remembered my blood group is AB +ve.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Five years today

Five years ago today I got engaged to this mad man. Needless to say, he didn’t look half as mad then, as he does today. He argues I have led him to this crazed state of mind. What about my own derangement... that is coming slooowwwly but surely?

That means we complement each other :-)

Moving on up

We are now sitting in the Newsroom upstairs as our own floor is being renovated. It is slightly disconcerting as we have been totally uprooted and are adjusting to the new place. Though this arrangement is for two months only. Well, two months as promised.

I feel rotten as it is a room full of the real occupants of the Newsroom and I have set up shop in one corner only and am trying to ignore whatever is going on behind my back.

They are all nice and hospitable, but I can't shake off the unfamiliarity. I cannot be stuck here for the rest of the evening. For the next two months? No, that's a rotten thought.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Blast Off

Hi. Finally a place to scream out loud!

But not now, I have a sore throat.